Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Around the Table Giveaway: Invisible Illness, Visible God

Sharon Fleming, author of Around the Table, posted her review of my book today, AND...she's giving away a copy! Check it out (and you might find a tasty recipe or fun way to get yoru family together around the table when you visit her site!)

Around the Table Book: Invisible Illness, Visible God:

Sharon writes, "She doesn't give cliché answers to deep faith questions, instead she honestly shares her frustrations, doubts, and lessons she is learning. Merry's transparency as she talks about her struggles and faith, and her courage to tackle hard questions like, "How can I love One who makes me bitter?" are an encouragement to all who have ever doubted God in the midst of trials."

Read more.

And let me know if you win!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Year-end Evaluations

I've been doing an end-of-the-year evaluation with my kids since my oldest was 7 and told me that the writers of his math book didn't want kids to understand math! Back then it was a casual conversation, but over the years it has evolved into an ongoing discussion prompted by an Evaluation Form I have my kids fill out.

This year I added a new question: How has God worked in your life or changed your heart this year?

My kids don't always tell me what's going on inside, but this gave them a chance to think and put it down on paper--and we had some great discussions as a result.

How about you? Do you do year-end evaluations? I'd love to hear what questions you ask!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

School Rules

For years, we had this posted on the wall in our kitchen, and I thought you might enjoy:

BTW, one of my kids asked for 100 hugs when I posted it, and so I gave 100 hugs--we both laughed so much! One of my favorite memories!